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Monday, May 6, 2013

Our Struggle with ADHD:
My son, Little A, who is 8 years old, has struggled with poor concentration, hyperactivity, distractibility, and impulsiveness for years.  He is easily distracted by sights and/or sounds, doesn't have the ability to concentrate for long periods of time (i.e. school), has a tendency to daydream, and is majorly slow at completing tasks.  

I had tried many different herbal remedies for Little A before finally giving in to synthetic medication.  We tried about 3 different types and the latter of them was working okay (by "okay" I mean the best focus with the least side-effects), but I was still disheartened.

A Quick Side Note about Children with ADHD:
For children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder, their world can be like living inside a continuous fireworks display, where sounds, images, and thoughts are constantly exploding and distracting them, making it impossible for them to stay focused.

These children often find it impossible to fit in. As a result, they live in their own chaotic world.  ADHD symptoms often continue into adolescence and adulthood, and can cause a lifetime of frustrated dreams and emotional pain. 

Read more about ADHD here.

Now Back to Our Struggle:
One good thing that came about by him starting the meds was talking to one of the doctors and learning more about the medical side of ADHD, not just the physical side of it.  The doctor explained it to me this way, "An ADHD kid is like a top of the line, fully loaded sports car...with no brakes."  I immediately said, "OMGsh!  That's SO Little A!"  Well, the reason they are like that is because your "brakes" are in your frontal lobe of your brain and people with ADHD (and ADD, which is more often the case with girls and older children) don't receive enough blood flow to the frontal lobe.

Fast forward to me learning about essential oils, and by essential oils I mean ONLY 100% therapeutic grade, unadulterated essential oils!  Essential oils are one of the few substances that can pass the blood-brain barrier, but normal herbal remedies cannot.  Don't get me wrong, I'm still a believer in herbal remedies, too, but they do have their limits; the biggest two of which are potency and the blood-brain barrier.  SO... It made complete sense to me why the herbal remedies didn't work but the essential do!

It did take a couple weeks to find Little A's perfect combo of essential oils.  Essential oils are just like synthetic meds in that you have to find just the right oil/oils or blend/blends that work for the individual.  Now that we have found the perfect combo, it is simply amazing how much more manageable our school day is than before... and without the sleeping issues, eating issues, worries about long term effects, and drug dependencies that accompany synthetic ADHD medications!  There is also an amazing improvement in how our family enjoys each other.  We enjoy spending time together with less fighting.  My daughter, who is only 10, is less stressed because she's not annoyed at her brother "messing things up all the time".  I notice that my husband and son also spend more quality time together and Little A is able to have fun and enjoy things without being afraid of getting into trouble because of being hyper, disruptive, breaking things, knocking over things, etc.  It so nice to be a happy family!!!

What We Use and Why:
(Please note that the following are all Oils and/or Blends.)
VETIVER: psychologically grounding, calming, and stabilizing; helps cope with stress and recover from emotional trauma; one of the oils highest in sesquiterpenes (cross the blood-brain barrier and increase oxygen to the brain); studied by Dr. Terry Friedmann for improving behavior in children with ADD & ADHD.
PEACE & CALMING® (blend): helps calm tensions, promotes relaxation, aids in a deep sense of peace; calms overactive children (although not by itself with ADHD kids); helps reduce depression, anxiety, stress, & insomnia.
BRAIN POWER™ (blend): promotes deep concentration and channels physical energy into mental energy; increases mental potential and clarity; many oils in this blend are high in sesquiterpene compounds; increases activity in the pineal, pituitary, and hypothalamus glands which produce growth hormone and melatonin; help dissolve petrochemicals that congest the receptor sites, clearing the "brain fog" that people experience due to exposure to synthetic petrochemicals in food, skin & hair care products, and more.
ROMAN CHAMOMILE: (only added for ADHD, not ADD); calming, relaxing; minimizes anxiety, stress, irritability, nervousness, & anger; detoxifying to blood and liver.

It seems like a lot to some people and it is more work than popping a pill every morning, but it's only 1-2 drops of each oil at a time. Plus, he loves to "oil up" himself; he knows what oils to put and where.

I believe these are God given remedies and added to prayer & faith, not only have they been a blessing on my family, but I have personally seen them bring a friend's baby back from the brink of death when synthetic meds were only making her worse. Amazing stuff!

A Note about the Biz Side of YL:
I'm not a pushy sales person, and I know holistic medicine isn't for everyone, but I have such a desire to heal people naturally and I've never been so passionate about any other product...ever!  Before deciding to get into the selling end of Young Living, I really prayed about it. I didn't want it to be another Pampered Chef or Melaleuca venture (don't get me wrong, I still love both of these companies). But I believe God is allowing me to supplement my husband's income so I can continue to teach my children from home while at the same time doing what I love by being able to help people; helping them live healthier, more quality lives!!!

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